Full Stack Web Development Course


1. Introduction to web development PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
2. PHP Data Types
3. Conditions
4. Loops
5. PHP Functions
6. Array and array functions
7. String functions
8. Forms with PHP
9. Cookies/Session
10. PHP MySQL/MariaDB
11. CRUD operations
12. Where, Like
13. Ordering and Grouping
14. Relationships Primary/Secondary keys
15. Joins
16. Aggregate functions
17. HTML Tables with dynamic data
18. Styling pages
19. Responsive designing and bootstrap
20. JavaScript Basics
21. JavaScript Validations
22. JavaScript Events
23. SQL injections
24. HTTP Protocol
25. Export data
26. File handling, uploads
27. OOPS concept
28. Constructor, Methods
29. Using Jquery
30. Using AJAX
31. Server side data processing
32. MVC Framework
33. Laravel Basics
34. CMS – WordPress
35. REST Api creation
36. REST API consuming sms/facebook/google login etc
37. SMTP mail 
38. User Management
39. Link Expiry/OTP/Forgot Password
40. Chat Application 
41. Git Version Control
42. Domain & Hosting
43. Cloud Server
44. Using Composer
45. Documentation HLD/LLD
46. PSR standards


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